Racquel Goodison

Racquel Goodison

Racquel Goodison is on faculty at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. She has been a resident at Yaddo, Millay, and the Saltonstall Arts Colony. Additionally, she was a recipient of the Astraea Emerging Lesbian Writers Grant and the Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Scholarship to the Fine Arts Works Center. Her stories, poems, and creative nonfiction have been nominated for the Pushcart and can be found in such literary journals as Obsidian, Pleiades, Boston Review, and Drunken Boat. Her chapbook, Skin, was a finalist for the 2013 Goldline Press Fiction Chapbook competition and the winner of the 2015 Creative Justice Press fiction chapbook competition. She is currently completing a collection of short stories.

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Matt Hardy
Time Wave

At first I was worried that I would fail. It started as a dream that I was naked and paralyzed in the street. It started as a dream that I was falling and falling and flailing. There was no ground to catch me. Then it was a summer of summer classes all day and tutoring into the night. Then I was thinner and someone said I looked good. Then I was straight A’s. Then I looked A okay. And then I remembered to miss meals to stay on top. And then, and then, and then, I no longer dreamt I was falling.  And then I was in the eye of it. I was feeding off an ocean of anxiety.