Posted 12/9
Now, it was December.
The body was a bare, brittle branch.
There had been other Decembers. The one of reaching towards the light, the one of shadow, that terrible childhood December out by the barn.
A bitter red berry squeezed between thumb and forefinger. The sunlight glinting off the broken champagne glasses in the busted cardboard box.
But one always believes the December they are in is the most vital of Decembers.
Or one always had believed this.
Maybe this, too, changes.
Her lips are stained, her teeth.
The shower water on her skin is water under another bridge’s body.
It’s like the diamond she and her cousin found one April in a pink fuzzy slipper in the discount shoe department.
For long moments, they thought it was real, that it would change everything, that they’d become rich, therefore happy, therefore bored.
But it wasn’t real.
Or that July, when, out by the pool, the man she’d decided she wanted to die near held his hand above her for so long there was a hand-shaped paleness through which the sun hadn’t cut.
It was almost like being touched.
November, she grew numb and glib. This too became her, the disinterested passion as the doctor inserted another long needle to drain the blood beneath the skin, the joke with the nurse about everyone dying alone.
Wasn’t it a joke? The laughter caught in the branches with the florescent moon.
But now, December. She lets the children drape silver tinsel on her limbs, place a lopsided star on her head. She stands beside the window, very still, where she’ll remain until at least the twelfth night. And then, she thinks, January, she’ll become darkness, and she’ll stay that way for a while, but after that, probably spring, probably then, she’ll become a bird, the one you fill the feeder for, unsure if she’ll ever return.
“Woman Becoming” is a poem from the collection Everything is Temporary by Artist-in-Residence, Nicole Callihan.
On September 29, 2020, Nicole Callihan was diagnosed with breast cancer. A double mastectomy, a lymph node dissection, radiation, and hormone therapy followed. All the while, she committed to her everyday practice of making art. Many of the recordings were originally posted to the weekly open-mic series, Wednesday Night Poetry; the images that accompany the poems were selected from her Instagram collection @thebluepitcher. These are poems and notes she took in the months that followed her diagnosis.
See Nicole Callihan’s recording here:

Nicole Callihan’s most recent book is This Strange Garment, published by Terrapin Books in March 2023. Her other books include SuperLoop and the poetry chapbooks: The Deeply Flawed Human, Downtown, and ELSEWHERE (with Zoë Ryder White), as well as a novella, The Couples. Her work has appeared in Kenyon Review, Colorado Review, Conduit, The American Poetry Review, and as a Poem-a-Day selection from the Academy of American Poets. Find out more at www.nicolecallihan. com.