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Marlène Ramírez-Cancio


El Acabose—like Death/La Muerte—is the great letting go, el gran kaput. As La Lupe belted out in 1969: “Se acabóoo, lo nuestro está muertooo.” (She then kindly translates: “Se acabó in English means: it’s over, baby, all over!”) If you get El Acabose in a reading, it’s a sign that something must end. Pum, cayó la piedra. Zapepallá. Yes, El Acabose can clear the way for new and awe-inspiring things in your life, but first you must accept this ending. 

What do you know, deep down, you need to release? What has outlived its purpose? What old stories, stale beliefs, or untenable situations must you obliterate? This may be a painful time for you—or it may be a time of relief. Either way, know that there’s no use holding on any longer. 

Cry if you have to, play torch songs at full volume, let your eyeliner stream down your face, telenovela-style—do what you need to do, but don’t be in denial. 

It’s time for you to let go. Only then will you be ready for new beginnings, open to embracing fresh energies that can transform you. Yo voy a ti.

“Se Acabó” by La Lupe

If you didn’t know… La Lupe was a Cuban singer. Her energetic performances are captured here with a laughing face that’s also crying (don’t we all know that feeling?). 

This is part of our Winter 2022-23 issue featuring Chancletazo for Your Soul by Marlène Ramírez-Cancio, The Tarot Issue.

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