
temporary statement

  I am not poignant. I am losing nuance. I beat you over the head.…

“I Want Not to Be Spoken To,” A Review of Gabriel Jesiolowski’s As Burning Leaves

It’s hard not to begin with the arresting cover image of Gabriel Jesiolowski’s As Burning…

Lost the Root

  Spirit, grow like flamboyán, a blaze blooming red. Everything red. Black and brown, mancha…

The Woman and the Branch

  I knew. I knew. My mother gave me her bluebird of happiness. Carrying the…

Lock Butter

  I be a tender root a mere indecisive tangle that has been smashed and…

Volver, Volver

  y volver, volver to the mouth of the Yucatán where we first glistened with…

What Lies Beneath

  Today I am elbow deep in some animal’s belly pulling out the heart and…

After Hurricane Sandy

  We climb toward the rumored grave of an Native American healer, the earth a…

i watch papa bury our dog in a grave the size of a pond

  mauve, sprigs of oleander— ceilings shedding water stains in shapes of crooked eyes—my jaws…