Posted 11/11 ON THE DEATH OF CARRIE FISHER, AND MY BOOBS “I want it reported…
Posted 11/25 Of Vessels In the vase, the tuberose. Its prized fragrance. Vessel of bed…
Posted 12/9 Now, it was December. The body was a bare, brittle branch. There had…
Posted 12/23 Everybody says the stars are dead. By the time the light reaches us…
Posted 12/30 I haven’t yet mentioned that they moved my belly button. Actually they didn’t…
(with Ella, 8, posted 12/16) Ella tells me Alexander the Great put honey and nectar…
Posted 1/6 New Year’s Day We have no black-eyed peas, and the snow that was…
Posted 2/3 Having woken in my own hot arms, my own hot body clinging to…
Posted 2/4 The Coffee Klatsch For a short time, I was in a coffee klatsch,…
Posted 2/14 The wooden chimes have splintered in the storm, but still they make what…