Rogelia James Is No Pendeja

Dad let me stew in the holding cell for eight hours. By then, the vomit…


The signs started appearing again, and with them, the dreams that Soledad thought had disappeared…

Survival of Caguay

All hail the day of the Burst. Diaján and Freca, leaders of the Tainex@s, signaled…

The Letter

Sitting on my fire escape, I could see up the avenue beyond the Baptist church…

Dying Down in the Heart

From within her taxi, the girl takes in the half-built and skeletal structures, the night…

The Structure of Bubbles

I After a lifetime of smoking Virginia Slims, my grandmother was dying of lung cancer in the oncology…

Powder Puff

You can’t rush this. Nuh uh. That’s why you get up at four in the…

The Anodyne Dreams of Various Imbeciles

In the second year of the war, the President of the United States was accidentally…

El tragaluz del sótano

(English translation by Noah T. Myers available.) En la vida, Ebenízer había aprendido dos cosas: a…

The Cellar Hatch

Translated from the original by Noah T. Myers  Ebenezer had learned two things in life: to…