
Alternate Canon

Recently, I’ve been thinking of June Jordan and the last lines of her inspiriting poem,…

The Anodyne Dreams of Various Imbeciles

In the second year of the war, the President of the United States was accidentally…

Aster(ix) Picks: Our Favorite Poetry 2014

Aster(ix) asked four poets we love to choose their favorite poetry books just in time…

Interview with Noam Chomsky on Racism in US and Europe

If only the people of the United States knew what their government is doing and…

front porch by Richard Elzey
How (In a Time of Trouble) I Discovered My Moms and Learned To Live

1. I spent my senior year in high school pretty much fucking everything up. I…

Writing Home

1 I’ve been trying to write since nine, counting hours in passing cups of steam.…

Even If I Kiss a Woman

My mother and tías warn me about dating Colombian men: “Esos no sirven.” They say…

Riding the American Rails

During the month or so that my father spent in an Intensive Care Unit in…

Summer of Nene

I was there when he fell.  We were fucking around in Central Park.  Had been…

Aster(ix) Picks: Our Fifteen Favorite Graphic Novels

In honor of our own Las Cuerpas, Aster(ix) is going graphic. Here are our picks…