I heard they no longer sew eyelids of the dead shut.
When I pressed my palm to his wrapped chest
it was an abbreviation for marriage.
And as I left the morgue that day,
I emptied the room—I carried him on my back
and over my shoulders. I carried him
across my forehead and between my shins.
At home, I molded a ball and cannon.
This was my way of waging war on suicide.
I didn’t eat, and I slept only some of the nights.
Do you think I chipped away at the day
the same way I did the night?
There was nothing left for me to look at
so I closed my own eyes.
I wore sunglasses and a light jacket.
I wore them until I met my future husband.
Until then, I busied myself counting the lacerations
on my dead husband’s neck and wrists.
I am good with numbers.
I didn’t spend all this time counting
just to get so far in front of him.
But the hours I waited for him
layered like moths around a weak light.
I wanted to burn the holding room and sell its ashes.
After the dried blood was wiped from his face,
his jaw was set with a piece of string.
They tried to leave a natural appearance.
His throat was a village; my palm an iron of matrimony.
I wanted to smooth his clothes; I wanted to clean his hair.
I should have been the one to prepare his body.
It would have been easier that way.
But it didn’t matter,
he was going right into the fire.

Didi Jackson's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Ploughshares, Green Mountains Review, The Common, Café Review, and Passages North among other publications. Her chapbook, Slag and Fortune, was published by Floating Wolf Quarterly. She divides her time between Florida and Vermont teaching humanities at the University of Central Florida and Poetry and the Visual Arts at the University of Vermont.