What’s that sound? Oh! It’s the Universe calling—and you’re answering the call.
La Epifanía, like Judgment/El Juicio, is here to announce that you’re leveling up, rising from the dead (and the dead ends), and following your sacred calling. It’s an awakening, an epiphany, a Life Purpose download from your all-star best selves. Descarga!
If you get La Epifanía in a reading, take it as an endorsement from the heavens, a sign that you’re moving in the right direction. You’re in alignment with your highest values. You’re this close to a major breakthrough. And you probably have a posse. As playwright Paula Vogel has said, “circles rise together”—so choose your people wisely and make sure you uplift one another during this momentous time.
When I say “your sacred calling,” what’s the first thing you see yourself doing? Are you doing it? La Epifanía says: Do it now.
♫ “Voy a Vivir para Siempre” by Fania All-Stars
If you didn’t know… the Fania All-Stars are a group formed in 1968 in New York City to showcase musicians from Fania, the leading salsa record label of the time. Pictured left to right: Cheo Feliciano, Héctor Lavoe, Johnny Pacheco (Fania founder), Puerto Rican trombone player Willie Colón at center, Celia Cruz, Ray Barretto, and Rubén Blades. The design of the title, La Epifanía, evokes the Fania All Stars logo.
This is part of our Winter 2022-23 issue featuring Chancletazo for Your Soul by Marlène Ramírez-Cancio, The Tarot Issue.

Marlène Ramírez-Cancio (2021-22 Aster(ix) Artist in Residence) is a Puerto Rican cultural producer, artist, and educator based in Lenapehoking, aka Brooklyn. She is the Founding Director of EmergeNYC, an incubator and network for emerging artists-activists in NYC and beyond, focused on developing the artistic expression of people of color and LGBTQAI+ folks. In 2021, she brought the incubator to BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange, where she is currently Director of EmergeNYC and Practice Lab. Through Mujer Que Pregunta, Marlène works as a tarot practitioner and Process Doula to help BIPOC cultural workers shape their ideas, clarify their purpose, and make sure their projects align with the goals of their practice. When the dinosaurios roamed the Earth, she co-founded Fulana, a Latina satire collective whose videos have been shown internationally at film festivals, museums, and universities. Marlène serves on the Steering Committee of LxNY/Latinx Arts Consortium of New York, the Board of Directors of the National Performance Network, and the Board of Advisors of The Action Lab and the Center for Artistic Activism. She is the mom of a wonderful child, and is currently learning how to sew her own clothes. | mujerquepregunta.com