Now Reading


Marlène Ramírez-Cancio


La Churro Lady, like the warrior in The Chariot/El Carro, is a courageous guerrera who stands her ground, knows her worth, and is determined to succeed—even as outside forces and systems of oppression try to block her. She won’t let anything get in the way of her carrito, which brings priceless energy to weary travelers. 

If you get La Churro Lady in a reading, you’re being called to assert your independence, have fierce grit, and move toward your goal with sweetness-fueled confidence. This is a card of encouragement, conviction and ganas. How can you stand your ground? And at the same time, what pushes you forward? La Churro Lady is the last card of the first line of the Major Arcana—she urges you to go forth y no echar patrás ni pa tomar impulso. 

You’re in the first phase of your journey—you’re sure to move on to bigger and greater platforms—but with La Churro Lady in your corner, you’re poised to hold your head up high as you push forward and show your value to the world.  

“¡Echapalante!” by Jarana Beat

If you didn’t know… 1) Churros are delicious fried pastries coated in cinnamon sugar. You should get one. Actually, we should go get one, too. 2) Although the woman in this image is Spanish churro chef Rosario Salguero Venegas, “Charo la de los Churros,” this card was actually inspired by Elsa, the NYC “Churro Lady” who stood her ground against cops who used unnecessary force to remove her and her cart in November 2019.

This is part of our Winter 2022-23 issue featuring Chancletazo for Your Soul by Marlène Ramírez-Cancio, The Tarot Issue.

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