Day 1: I realized the other day that I had no idea how to draw someone laughing. What does it say about me that when I try to draw a simple bellyroll my figures look like they’re in anguish. This was the one from yesterday. Poor dude looks like he lost the keys to paradise.

Day 2: This is today’s attempt at human laughing. Maybe I’ll try to do one every day. It’s doing something for my mood. I think I got the gesture better. And I dig the coloring, though I sort of still like my tortured friend a bit better.

Day 3. I think I’m enjoying failing at my #humanlaughing project.

Day 4. I mean I can do the #humanlaughing in contour. I’ve had this image in my head all day.

Day. 5

Day 6. I originally drew this in gold tones; oddly the inversion seems to get closer to #humanlaughing. I may never get it right, but the turns they take.

Day 7.
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francine j. harris is the author of play dead, winner of the Lambda Literary and Audre Lorde Awards and finalist for the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award. Her third collection, Here is the Sweet Hand, is forthcoming on Farrar, Straus & Giroux this fall. Originally from Detroit, she has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Cave Canem, and MacDowell Colony. harris is Associate Professor of English at University of Houston.