Microeditorial: An Unbroken Line

Just over 100 years ago, President Woodrow Wilson called the film Birth of a Nation…

What The Bear Knows

A black bear was on the run in Paterson, New Jersey. He appeared, seemingly from…

First Impressions of a Sister Home

I wanted to see Cuba before it changed, before US franchises imprinted their neon billboards,…

Forever Shifting

I. Displacement is not the kind of thing that typically brings song immediately to mind,…

What’s Happening In There

girls   read a homemade sign on a wooden gate in their bedrooms read another…

The Lovely Yumminess that Dwells Within

The theme of “Girls in Their Bedrooms” aligns deeply with the recent inspiration of my…

from What Remains

Over the year, since we met, I have loved her, lusted for her and tried…

The PoppyCock Art Space

Since 2008, much art has been created behind the bedroom doors of The PoppyCock. The house…

Inside Out

To miss you is an extraction is not finding what I think I see is…

Alternate Canon

Recently, I’ve been thinking of June Jordan and the last lines of her inspiriting poem,…