I made this mini comic about the femicides in Ciudad Juarez Mexico a few years ago. When we lived near there (2003-2005) it was stunning to hear news about these women and girls being murdered with no discernible follow up. It seems like these deaths were seen as by-products of the “real problems” –drug cartels and corrupt police. After a while, I found myself entering this odd state where I expected women and girls to die–I felt like it was normal! I felt powerless to do anything about the murders, but I couldn’t stop imagining that something could make the femicides unignorable. Las Cuerpas is the result. Someday I’ll add some color.
If you want to learn more about the situation in Juarez, the documentary, On the Edge: The Femicide in Ciudad Juarez provides a good overview. If you want to help an organization that never gets complacent and does real, on-the-ground work to help women in Ciudad Juarez everyday, give generously to Casa Amiga.
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Rachel Masilamani has been making comics since 1997. Her first comics collection, RPM Comics #1, received a grant from the Xeric Foundation and was named “Best Comic Book” by the Baltimore City Paper. Since then, her comics have appeared in Meathaus, Street Runoff, Graphics Classics, The Indiana Review and other anthologies.