Nívea Castro
Nívea Castro, J.D., is the curator of Sinister Wisdom; Out Latina Lesbians, published July 2015. A Nuyorican lesbiana activist, Nívea is also a writer, photographer, social justice attorney, martial artist, and educator. A Marge Percy Poetry Workshop participant and a VONA alum, her poems and writings have been published in numerous journals and anthologies, most recently in Word, a Cave Canem chapbook, And Then, Kalyani, Best of Panic, and Stand our Ground. She has appeared and been featured in various venues, including NYC and Brooklyn Lit Crawl, Listen to Your Mother, a national series of live readings by local writers, Crack the Mic, Camaradas, Soul Sister Revue, BAAD!ASS Women Festival, La Pluma y Tinta, New Voices Reading Series, Canvas of Words, and Michfest. She is a member of the New York City Latinas Writers Group. Nívea lives in Brooklyn and is completing a poetry manuscript and an essay/photo chapbook on her recent travels to Cuba. She is working on her upcoming book, Coquito Man. You may read her work and view her photography at www.niveacastro.com. Reach her on Facebook or by email at niv@niveacastro.com.