Small death. Small shame
Photograph of a small room
emptied Portrait of
women killing Orpheus, body
small in death in pieces
I did not find pleasure in that
A small death Do you feel shame
when you are dead something always
lives on small
When you are dead know this hand
is yours no one comes to claim it
Told me a rape is a small
death something still lives,
a blasphemous love for myself
and not dead or small There
is nothing triumphant
about red rising like next day
Lucia Lotempo’s collection “Hot with the Bad Things” is available for purchase here.

Lucia LoTempio
Lucia LoTempio is the author of Hot with the Bad Things, forthcoming from Alice James Books in May 2020. Lucia hails from Buffalo, NY and left to earn an MFA in poetry at the University of Pittsburgh. You can find her poems in Passages North, The Journal, TYPO, Quarterly West, as part of the Academy of American Poets poem-a-day series, and elsewhere. With Suzannah Russ Spaar, she co-authored the chapbook Undone in Scarlet (Tammy 2019). Lucia is still in Pittsburgh, where she works at the literary nonprofit City of Asylum.